Wellness Radio Recap: August 22nd, 2020


In this Wellness Radio episode, the overall message is to take ownership of your health. If you develop an illness, you can figure out the root...

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7 Ways to Help Children Adapt to Stress


This back-to-school season is particularly stressful for a lot of parents. We’re all living through a pandemic, grappling with decisions on...

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The best gift guide for the health-conscious woman in your life


This list is for the health-conscious woman in your life. And as Christmas is quickly approaching, those last minute gifts that ship fast will come...

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The Ultimate Holiday Gift Guide


The holidays are upon us!

...do you know what you are going to get the special ones in your life?

If you’re like us, there might be a little...

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Gluten and your gut health


Should you have to cut out gluten, even if you have no known reaction after eating wheat?

A recent study looked at the response to wheat across...

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How and why to test blood ketones


If you are pursuing a ketogenic diet, I encourage you to use a ketone meter to test your glucose and blood ketones.

I personally use and recommend...

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What healthy fats are in our kitchen?


I just wanted to take a moment this evening to share with you the good, healthy fats that we have in our kitchen! 

This is the list of...

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Your body tells you when you're fertile


Don’t want to get pregnant?

Then you better be on the pill, because that’s the only way to prevent an unplanned pregnancy, right?


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Advanced fasting: The 5-day water fast


Now let’s take fasting to the next level!

Once you have mastered intermittent and 24-hour fasting, you will want to challenge yourself with a...

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Intermediate fasting: Introducing the dinner-to-dinner fast (part 2/3)


If you’re a pro at daily intermittent fasting, it’s time to take it to the next level with a dinner-to-dinner fast!

A dinner-to-dinner...

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